Privacy Policy


Tiwa Quest AG operates and complies with the provisions of the Swiss Data Protection Act and the European GDPR.

Tiwa Quest AG is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and customers. Our intention is to provide you with the relevant product information and content that you are looking for but this does require us to collect and process personal information about you. This privacy policy applies to all personal data collected and processed by all Tiwa Quest AG employees, as well as all legal entities, all operating locations in all countries, and all business and support processes conducted by Tiwa Quest AG.

What information do we collect about you?

What do we do with your information?

Tiwa Quest AG uses (and, where specified, shares) your personal information for the following purposes:

To provide commercial and technical support or other services that you have requested.

This can include but is not exclusive to responding with the relevant information following your registration for newsletters, seminars, event registration, or other specific requests. We may also pass your contact information to the appropriate distribution partner for further follow-up related to your interests. We will also use your personal information to contact you relating to product updates and new software releases.

To process sales and payments:

If you purchase our products, we will collect, store and share your personal information as your order is processed and will continue to do so in the after-sales process. Typically we will collect information such as name, physical address, telephone number, email address, company/institution, and payment details. We may need to share some of this information with courier services, and other third parties to complete the transaction.

To select content, improve quality, and facilitate the use of our Website:

Tiwa Quest AG may use your personal information, including the information gathered as a result of site navigation and electronic protocols, and cookies (including third-party cookies), to help create and personalize website content, improve website quality, track marketing campaign responsiveness, evaluate page response rates, conduct usability testing, and facilitate your use of our website.

To communicate with you about a meeting, conference, or event:

We may communicate with you about a meeting, conference, or event attended or hosted by Tiwa Quest AG or one of our distribution partners. Please note that Tiwa Quest AG, and/or our distribution partners, may directly request your personal information at their conference booth or event. Providing your information is optional and, if applicable, you should review the privacy policies of distribution partners to ensure that you understand how they will treat your personal information.

To process your job application:

If you apply for a job at Tiwa Quest AG we will only use your personal information for this purpose. The information you provide is treated confidentially and only processed by the persons involved in the specific recruitment process. If you join Tiwa Quest AG, your data may be transferred to your personnel file and used in the employment relationship. If you are unsuccessful during the recruitment process, we may hold your information for up to 12 months and we may contact you again should another suitable role be available.

To get feedback or input from you:

We may ask customers and website visitors to provide us with input and feedback.

How can you control your information?

You can control the information we have about you and how we use it in several ways:

How will you know if the Privacy Policy is changed?

If Tiwa Quest AG makes any material changes to its Privacy Policy we will notify you by means of a  notice on our website, prior to the change becoming effective.

Technical and regulatory information

Tracking practices

When you visit our website we will track and record certain information about you for statistical and performance purposes. We will record the following information:

Tiwa Quest AG may also capture and store information that you transmit, which may include:

The Tiwa Quest AG website contains links to other websites that are not maintained by Tiwa Quest AG. If you choose to exit our website via one of these links then our Privacy Policy will not apply.


Tiwa Quest AG uses both session-based cookies (which last only for the duration of the user's session) and persistent cookies (which remain on your device and provides information about the session you are in and waits for the next time you use that site again). This enables us to recognize repeat users and to track usage behavior.

Tracking cookies, third-party cookies, and other technologies may be used to enable third-party functions (such as a social media "share" link). We may also include web beacons and other similar technology in promotional email messages to determine whether the messages have been opened.

Your European Union privacy rights (GDPR)

If you are a resident of the European Union you may have certain rights pertaining to the collection, storage, and use of your personal information. These rights are protected under EU regulation 2016/679 commonly referred to as GDPR or the General Data Protection Regulation. 

Our representative in the European Union according to Art. 27 GDPR is:
Tiwa Quest GmbH
Auf der Steinung 8
88518 Herbertingen

If you want to request information based on these rights, please contact us at Please provide the following information:

Your name, address, and an order number if you have one.
Let us have proof of your identity and address (a copy of  a passport, driver's license, or identity card), and
Let us know the information to which your request relates

We may require additional information from you and we also reserve the right to charge a fee for some requests.


We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website.You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy.

We may notify you of significant changes to this policy by email.

Contact information:

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy please contact us by email at Our mail address is:

Tiwa Quest AG
Färberstrasse 4
CH-8832 Wollerau SZ